Term 3 Week 10 Update

Hello everyone,

We are in our final week of this term! Mr Pfeiffer’s and Mrs Hall’s classes have swimming. Extra snacks might be needed as many were hungry after swimming today. On Thursday, the MLC will be performing some water testing in our creek. Children can bring gumboots or extra shoes. We won’t be sloshing through the creek but shoes may get wet. On Friday, Mrs Hall’s class will be leading worship. Also on Friday, we will have a small end of term celebration at the end of the day on the playground. Mrs Hall’s class has welcomed a new student, Jonas, today. Please welcome him and his family if you meet them.

Hope everyone stays healthy this week!


MLC teachers

Term 3 Week 7 Update

Hello everyone,

Thank you for coming to your child’s science showcase last Thursday. We saw so many engaged students and parents. We hope you enjoyed it and learned a bit about science.  Our new unit of inquiry has the central idea: Beliefs and values are represented in the decisions people make. New specialised maths groups have begun. Our focus is on fractions and decimals.

Please see the attached Disco flyer.


The Home Learning Options have been updated today.


MLC teachers